What to do after receiving my wool cover?

Nothing. It's as simple as it sounds. Our covers contain enough natual lanolin which makes them waterproof from the very beginning. 
Simply unpack at put on the bum.

If you prefer an initial wash, we recommend a mashine wash on gentle wool cycle with no detergent. 

If you want to use detergent, the diaper must be lanolized afterwards. please refer to our lanolizing guide. 

Will it not wick through the cotton outer?

The covers are made out of a heavyweight wool fabric, reinforced at the main wetness area. So it doesn't wick through the cotton or the clothes of the baby.
If we're looking to other parts of the world, this type of diaper is already commonly seen.
It works like the wool covers we already know, the knitted ones that are widley used during the night - they also do not wick moisture to the sleepsuits of our little ones.
So we've got 2 layers of heavyweight wool wich will protect clothes from getting wet.

When diapers are too full, they can, of course, overflow. If this has happened, you should decide for yourself whether you need to wash the cover or not. 
We advise, If only a little has leaked, let it air out first and then check the smell.
If the diaper is completely soaked, however, put it in a wool wash.

Do they worsen eczema?

In our opinion, wool covers are THE choice if your baby suffers from eczema for a few reasons.

  1. Wool is a breathable fabric, which means it helps regulate body temperature and prevents skin irritation.
  2. Wool is naturally antimikrobial, so it helps keep the skin clean and free of bacteria.
  3. Wool contains lanolin, which is a natural fat that helps protect the skin from moisture loss.

Indeed the Wool should work like the ,,magic wool`` the one you can purchase at retail. It is used to heal skin irritation.

How long can I use the cover without washing?

Well, that's a tough question to answer. It is basically a matter of user preferences how frequently you change the inserts and if you provide a appropriate place for the cover to rest after usage.

There are two possibilities to use the covers.

  1. Use all day long (just change inserts) and air over night.
  2. Use two covers alternating with each diaper change

We have tested boths scenarios and the result was a usage period of well over four weeks. 


Where is the best spot to air my covers?

Fresh air is best! There are plenty of places outside, on a laundry railing, on a window lever, on a door handle - don't worry about it - wherever you have the opportunity. Remember that wool covers don't like harsh sunlight, so avoid exposing them to the sun, especially in summer. They're perfectly fine in the winter sun.

If you have no space available outside, of course you can also do it inside. You know best in your home. Where do you dry your laundry the fastest indoors? This is usually the place with the best air circulation, so hang your cover there.
Too hot towel racks in bathrooms are a no-no.
It is also less about drying the cover but more about the fresh air contact!

Fresh outdoor air, especially at night, is ideal for refreshing your covers.

For how long do I need to air the cover?

It depends on how much contact the cover has had with urine. A diaper that stayed on all night should be aired longer than one that only stayed on for three hours. 

One hour of airing is sufficient for covers that have had little contact.
It's time for a wash if the cover still smells dirty after 12 hours overnight airing.


Is the lanoloszing similar to other wool cover brands?

Yes, you'll need to give your covers a lanolin bath after washing with sope. Our covers require a small amount of lanolin (just half a teaspoon for up to 4 covers) and don't require hours of soaking in the bath. Simply dip them in, then remove and gently squeeze out any excess water. Linedry. Finish :)
Click here to read our full care instructions.


Do the wool covers have more than one layer?

The short answer is yes. The wool diapers are reinforced in the middle, where they have to keep out most of the wetness. The moveable layer of wool is always right where it is needed most.

Don't worry, it's well secured at 5 points around the diaper inner so it holds well. By the way, our reinforcing layer is made from fabric scraps when cutting the wool - so we don't have any waste in wool processing at all.

If your diaper is a bit crumpled after being washed in the machine. Then pull all the elastics apart at their ends and that will flatten your diaper again.